
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@isbn 978-85-7669-269-0
%T Pyramid-based dithering
%D 1991
%A Velho, Luiz Carlos Pacheco Rodrigues,
%@affiliation Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA/RJ)
%E Zuffo, João Antonio,
%E Lopes, Roseli de Deus,
%E Bernal, Volnys Borges,
%E Zuffo, Marcelo Knörich,
%E Kofuji, Sérgio Takeo,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 4 (SIBGRAPI)
%C São Paulo, SP, Brazil
%8 14-17 Jul. 1991
%I Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
%J Porto Alegre
%P 167-178
%S Anais
%K pyramid-based dithering, image pyramid.
%X This paper introduces a new halftoning algorithm that combines the probabilistic and deterministic approaches to the problem. The proposed method uses an image pyramid representation in order to achieve a global and local minimization of the quantization error.
%9 Rendering
%@language en
%3 15 Pyramid based dithering.pdf
